Our Services

Short Term Counselling Program

An 8 session program that is designed to empower you by helping you set realistic goals and providing you with the tools needed to achieve these goals. The counsellor will work with you by using your experiences, strengths and abilities to identify your personal goals.  By using a combination of various clinical approaches, the Counsellor will help you design and implement a plan to work towards achieving these goals through guidance, support and encouragement. This program is available to clients 17 years of age and older. Clients can participate in person, on the telephone, or over zoom. To access the Short-Term Counselling, clients can self-refer by calling the Centre directly or emailing us at info@rdfcc.ca

Skill Building for Survivors

Skill Building for Survivors is an introduction group to deeper trauma therapy. This group is designed to offer education about trauma responses, address the symptoms you’re experiencing and implementing coping strategies to make life feel more manageable.

This group is offered over 8 consecutive weeks and is available in person or over zoom! This group is offered multiple times per year and offered to men and women at different times. If you are interested email info@rdfcc.ca or call 613-629-4243 to complete an intake for our next group session.

Registration for all groups close 1 week prior to the start dates. 

Walking with Survivors: A workshop 

Date TBD

This two hour workshop is aimed at family members, friends, and caregivers who are supporting a loved one who has sustained trauma.

This is group is for people 17 years and older, and will be offered in person and virtually.

To complete an intake please call 613-629-4243 or email info@rdfcc.ca

Registration for all groups closes 1 week prior to the start dates. 

Grief and Loss Support Group

An 8 session, weekly group which focuses on supporting those struggling with grief.  This group is offered to clients both virtually and in person, and runs multiple times a year. Registration for all groups closes 1 week prior to the start dates. 

Anger Management Groups (Mandated and Non-Mandated)

Using the National Anger Management Association training, we offer groups for both men and women separately, ongoing throughout the year. Anger Management is accessible for individuals who are focusing on personal improvement, or who are mandated by the courts.

The group runs over 8 consecutive weeks and can be accessed in person or virtually. We explore what anger is, why we get so angry and discuss tools and skills to gain a deeper awareness of the present moment, while learning how to more effectively communicate and resolve conflicts before our anger gets the best of us.

To complete an intake, please contact info@rdfcc.ca or call 613-629-4243  and be added to the waitlist for the next session of this group.

Registration for all groups closes 1 week prior to the start dates. 

 Anxiety and Depression Group Mental Health Support Group 

This is a mental health support group offering education and skills for individuals living with anxiety and/or depression. We offer mixed in person and virtual groups which are held for 8 consecutive weeks, multiple times a year. We focus on learning about our emotional response systems, exploring how we can increase our awareness to the events that “trigger” a response, stress and the role it plays in our lives, the role of medications in treatment, relaxation techniques to help quiet the mind and spirit, and developing an individualized plan to aid in coping.  Clients must complete an intake to be added to the waitlist for the group.

To book an intake, please email info@rdfcc.ca or call 613-629-4243

Registration for all groups closes 1 week prior to the start dates. 

Community Training and Presentations

Working with various employers, groups and communities, our team has provided opportunities to educate on various mental health related topics such as suicide prevention, self-care and explaining what can be expected at the Robbie Dean Centre.  It is our pleasure to share our knowledge and to help make places where people work, live and play safe and stigma free.

To request a workshop or presentation, please email info@rdfcc.ca


(Research, Educate, Assist, Connect and Hope)

When someone is struggling with their mental health, it often has impact on other areas of their lives.  This program is designed to help you find and connect with other resources that may be required to support you in implementing your plan towards becoming well.

Please contact intake to inquire about connecting with services within Renfrew County  that can assist you on your journey to mental wellness.